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Chisels, marking and carving knives

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Marking gauge Kebiki with 2 blades

marking gauge

Marking gauge Kebiki with 2 blades Japan Japanese tool woodworking

Marking gauge Kebiki with 2 blades


Small japanese Kebiki marking gauge with 2 adjustable single-bevel marking blades. They leave a very fine and tear-out-free mark without tearing the grain. The advantage of the blade is that it cuts the fibres, whereas a needle tears them.  It can be used to cut a single line or both blades can be used in tandem to lay out a mortise or tenon.Si...

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Marking gauge Kebiki with 2 blades Japan dual cutter Fujiwara tool Japanese woodworking

Marking gauge small Kebiki with 2 blades


Small japanese Fujiwara Kebiki with 2 adjustable single-bevel marking blades. They leave a very fine and tear-out-free mark without tearing the grain.  It can be used to cut a single line or both blades can be used in tandem to lay out a mortise or tenon.Size : 110 mm x 120 mm x 70 mm (4.3" x 4.7" x 2.7")Weight : 165 gramsMade in Japan.

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